Monday, February 11, 2008

Bill Clinton Called, Hillary Clinton Called, John McCain Called

Yes, yes, yes. We must be voting tomorrow in the Virginia Primary because the phone is ringing off the hook. First, Bill Clinton called yesterday afternoon. Then this morning Hillary Clinton called our house. I'm now waiting to see if Barak Obama or John McCain give us a call. Do these canned phone messages work? I guess we will find out tomorrow.

John McCain called us Tuesday at 10:30 A.M. to ask for our votes. I haven't
heard from Obama or Huckabee. Maybe neither one needs or wants our votes. We shall see tonight.

Well it is Wednesday and we now know that the Potomac Primary was both a sweep for Obama and McCain. I just hope this is all wrapped up in a bow for both parties soon. Then we can seriously think about who would be best for vice-president for each party.


  1. I smiled when I read this post. We used to get these kinds of messages too but years ago, for about $60.00, we bought a phone zapper (its called) and that stopped all (really, 'all') canned messages and all other live 'spam' messages. I can't remember ever getting one.

    You need to do the right thing, of course, and vote today, for your favorite persons.

    I wish I knew who the VP might be. It would influence any vote I will make on March 4th.

    By the way, thanks for your visits and comments.

  2. We don't get these calls in France. How do they work? Do you really hear the recorded voice of each candidate?

  3. And a more personal question. If they call or don't call, does it make a difference in your voting intentions???

  4. Yes, Nathalie, you actually hear their recorded voices. I've listened to Bill Clinton. I've listened to Hillary Clinton. And twice today I have listened to John McCain. Did any of these calls affect my vote. NO!
    Especially John McCain's calls since he called after I came home from voting. Johm McCain--day late and a dollar short.
