Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cool Restaurant in Fair Lakes Area of Fairfax County

Have you ever eaten in a Japanese restaurant where they entertain you by cooking the food on a very hot flaming grill at your table? It is fun and even a little flaming hot and scarry at times. Our favorite Japanese restaurant if Sakuras. In the above photo you see the outside of the building.
And here is the fan shaped menu sitting on the Japanese plate and napkin. Lots of great steak and seafood dishes plus one side of the restaurant is a sushi bar!
Brian and Terry are catching up on the news in this picture.
In the meantime Jennifer and Jeanine are posing for Mom's camera.
While Big Jack and Little Jack are watching the flames flare up. Each time it happened Little Jack got a worried look on his face and said, "Uh--ohh!"
Look at the expression on Little Jack's face. He seems to instinctively know that fire is dangerous.
But this made him giggle out loud: putting the baby chopsticks up his nose. And this made Grandpa say "Uh--ohh!"


  1. Chopsticks up the nose! Classic!!!! What a cute picture :)

  2. Well it looks like such fun. But the last picture... I think Grandpa Jack is just as much a stinker as Little Jack...maybe more!!!!

    Pictures and memories for a lifetime.

  3. Oh yes, they are one of my favorite kind of restaurants... my grandkids loved it...Christopher when he was a little older than little Jack, use to try and sound like the cook, and yell ssshrrrrippp...well ya know, sort of Japanese style...and also had eyes as big as saucers when the fire flared up....and Ali the granddaughter that passed away had a birthday party there...Hani I know thats not how you spell it but it's how it sounds....we have one here in town called Nagoya Japanese Steakhouse... it is so beautiful in there, and the cooks are really quite entertaining....from fire flipped in their hats, to raw eggs.....a plum wine to start off with, yum I'm ready to go again..... little jack is so darn cute, even with the chops sticks up his nose.....LOL judy

  4. Joann: Fun photos and little Jaack is getting so big.
