Was It Barney the Black Lab?
Was It Our Darling Grandson Jack Aidan Shown Below Opening A Party Favor?
Was It Our Soon-to-be Son-in-Law Bryan With the Bubble Machine?
Wow, Look at the Bubbles Jack Aidan!
Wow, Watch the Bubbles Disappear in Your Hands!
This makes Grandma think of this famous line:
"Double, double, toil and trouble;
Wow, Watch the Bubbles Disappear in Your Hands!
This makes Grandma think of this famous line:
"Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble."
From Shakespeare's Macbeth
Oh, I'd opt for your black lab anytime -- not that your grandson isn't as cute as can be, but I'm just a pushover for animals.