Saturday, February 4, 2012

Honey Bees and Bee Hives

Honey Bees and Bee Hives
I talked yesterday to my sister in law,Esther Gariety, who told me that a lady that has bee hives and honey bees said that you can tell when in the next 30 days or so a big snow or cold event is coming because the bees begin to close up their bee hives to keep the cold and snow out and the honey bees safe on the inside of the bee hives. Interesting concept. So get ready folks for some bad weather.

1 comment:

  1. I sure hate to think of winter and snow coming. So far we've had a very mild winter and I am thankful for that. Also thankful my oncologist said I only have to see him once a year now and I can stop taking the Femera. It's been five years since the last breast surgery. Hope you're doing ok and putting right along.
