My World Tuesday = Folklife Festival
2009 Smithsonian Folklife Festival
In Washington D.C.
It Looks Like An Ohio Country Fair
Between The Capitol Building and The Washington Monument.
This year's fair was good but not the greatest festival we have seen. I was sorry that there was not a highlighted U.S. state and there was just one country featured in depth and that was Wales. The biggest attractions were not individual states or countries but conglomerate places related to either Latin American countries or the oral traditions of African America.
We did get to see some good talent but almost all the entertainers were wearing just jeans and Tshirts. You couldn't tell that they were from a foreign land. I really like to see lots of colorful costumes of homeland countries but I didn't find it this year. Maybe the economic downturn has hurt the festival---not enough funds to do it right? I don't know. But here are some photos I snapped Saturday at the Folklife Festival in D.C.

This Was The Best Act That We Saw Saturday.
One Act Featured Was A Group From Venezuela.
For A Christmas Song About The Donkey That Carried Mary.
Later The Audience Was Invited To Don The Donkey and Dance.
Later The Audience Was Invited To Don The Donkey and Dance.
They Haven't Developed Any Inhibitions Yet.
Did Jack and I Dance?
Did Jack and I Dance?
No Way, We Are Too Shy!
Someone commented that it looked like there were not many people. That's because Jack and I went early in the day---like we got there at 9:30 and the festivites just started at 11:00 when I took these pics. More people came in the afternoon. We went early to avoid the heat and left when things were just really beginning to get lively.
Final note: The festival runs through July 5'th so if you are in the area try to explore it. It is a lot of fun. Now go visit some other My World Tuesday memes by clicking here: