Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Turning Four With Four Birthday Parties

Turning Four With Four Birthday Parties
Jack and I went over to Jenn and Terry's Friday night to give him our birthday card, gift and money. When he saw the money he asked his Daddy to get his big blue piggy bank so he could put his bills into it.
Fold and stuff, fold and stuff and get that money into the pig. Jack's second party was Saturday morning with all his little friends at the moon bounce. And his third was Saturday afternoon when he got to open all the presents with his parents. he got from his buddies.
See the sign on the fireplace mantle. Later in July Jack Aidan will have his fourth birthday celebration up on Cape Cod with his paternal grandparents and his first cousins. Also, in this photo Jack is checking out his birthday card from us that turned into two cars from the Cars 2 movie that he went to see the other week. That was his first movie experience in a real theater.
Jack is getting good at ripping into presents and finding the gift inside.
Daddy, help me play this new pattern game from Grandma and Grandpa.

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