Monday, July 23, 2007

Robert Duvall and Protest Picnic

We went to a protest picnic at the farm estate of Robert Duvall, the movie actor, who makes his home in Virginia down the road a bit from us. There is an energy company that is trying to erect 15 story high power poles and power lines in our little neck of Virginia which is one of the most historic areas of the United States. The aim of this company is to bring cheap coal produced electricity from Ohio and Pennsylvania thru both Virginias (West Virginia and Virginia) and move it north to New Jersey and New York to make Big Bucks. As Robert Duvall said yesterday one would not erect 15 story power lines across the Grand Canyon or Yellowstone National Park so why should this company be allowed to erect power lines across land that George Washington surveyed, where John Brown protested and both Union and Confederate soldiers fought to keep. It is also the home area of John Marshall who created the Marshall Plan after World War II. And in more recent times the hunt club riding estate of John and Jackie Kennedy. Jack and I do not want the power lines coming thru this area so Sunday was a great day to protest and have a wonderful picnic on the farm of Robert Duvall. There was entertainment too: a bluegrass band, a French horn ensemble, a folk singer and a puppeteer. There were other attractions as well: a silent auction, a karate demo and a team of draft horses with a beautiful carriage for rides thru the fields. And of course we got to see Robert Duvall and his wife and their beautiful 200+ acre farm. Robert Duvall told us that his wife who is originally from Argentina thinks that Virginia is the best place on earth or as his wife puts it: the last station before Heaven! I tend to agree with that statement. Virginia is awesome.

And the thought of 15 story power lines here is awfulsome.

By the way, the name of this power company is Dominion Power.

Take a look at the pics of Robert Duvall's farm. Note the beautiful barn and silo in one of the photos. This barn and silo is where Robert and his wife practice the tango and throw tango dance parties.

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