Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August Bookclub Read

August Bookclub Read
Last Friday night we met at Haelie's house for our August bookclub and to discuss this historic Charles Dicken's novel Oliver Twist. Haelie chose the book because her daughter was in the play Oliver based on the book at her school. Most of you will recall that the movie Oliver that was based on this book. The movie was dark and depressing because the book was dark and depressing. We did not concentrate on the darkness but based our discussion on the fact that Charles Dickens was one of the first writers to write in the new genre known as a novel so consequently he approached in a different fashion from today's novelists. The book characters are static and one dimensional in comparison to the highly developed personalities of today's novel characters. Sometimes you learn a lot by discussing and old classic book.

Learn more about this book selection by going to my other blog listed at the left: Piedmont Readers.

Sidenote: this was the smallest group that ever met for a bookclub meeting. A lot of the members were on August vacations or had other commitments that prevented them from attending the meeting. Poor Haelie. She prepared food for an army of people but only had three of us show up for the meeting. Sorry Haelie.

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