Thursday, August 11, 2011

Health Update 8/11/11

Health Updates 8/11/11
#1 A recent chest x-ray shows that my bacterial pneumonia is almost cured.
#2 An echocardiogram yesterday shows that the fluid on my heart is almost totally cleared up.
So some good news!! Yeah!!

Our grandson, Jack Aidan, when he got home from Cape Cod took a tumble against the family room entertainment cabinet and split his face open right next to his eye. A trip to the emergency room led to three stitches being put in next to his eye. My daughter Jennifer says that little Jack was very brave about the stitches. He has had to miss a swimming lesson or two because he couldn't get in the pool with stitches. He had his stitches removed this past week and is now ready to go to his the pool once again.


DeniseinVA said...

Good news and thanks for the health update. Sorry poor little Jack Aidan got a tumble. How I remember those days.

Dragons52 said...

So happy for the better news!!Let's continue on that way for sure!!!
I bet little Jack WAS brave. I remember my son at that age playing the brave little man...he's a trooper for sure.

Patty said...

Hip, hip, hooray for the good news for your health problems. Hope all keeps improving for you each and every day. Glad Grandson's stitches are healing okay.

Melinda said...

Praying you feel better each day!