Sunday, February 20, 2011

Did You Get An Invitation?

Did You Get An Invitation?
Did you get an invitation to the April wedding in London of William and Kate? Well, Jack and I didn't either. Look at it this way. We won't have to purchase a wedding gift or buy a new outfit for the wedding. What do you get a a prince and his bride anyway? Plus we can watch the entire wedding event from the beginning with the arrivals at the church to the end with the royal wave from the balcony of Buckingham Palace while staying in our jammies on the family room sofa. We just need to remember to set the alarm early that day.

These old pics from old slides were from a trip Jack took to London in 1973. While in London Jack had to go to the palace and watch the changing of the guard.

Oh, one more thing. We really shouldn't feel bad about not getting an invitation to the royal wedding. Lady Fergie, Queen Elizabeth's ex daughter-in-law didn't get an invite either. And she is William's aunt or ex-aunt. Can you be ex'd as an aunt if you get divorced? I'm not up on marriage protocol.

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