Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wedding Houseguests

Gene and Sandra Barr drove down from New Jersey Saturday morning for the wedding. (Gene is in yellow and Sandra is in brown.) Linda and Larry Ackerly flew in from Albuquerque, New Mexico for the wedding. (Larry is in white and Linda is in blue.) Here they are having a late lunch in our breakfast room before the wedding.
So much news to cover in so little time. But both Sandra and Linda can talk fast and tell a good story while the respective hubbies listen and nod their heads. Right here Sandra is using her hands to tell a good story: "Me Mum in England would say.........."
Jack and Larry comparing gardening in Virginia with gardening in the high desert of New Mexico.
Finally, we are all fed and redressed and ready to take off to Warrenton, VA for the wedding.
We called my good neighbor Dickie to come over and snap this group photo. Thanks Dickie!

Thursday night we had the parents of the bride as our house guests. Jim and Joyce Blakeslee had driven down from the Rehobath Beach, Delaware for their daughter's wedding. Thursday night I got to keep the wedding gown in my foyer closet but even though I was very curious I didn't unzip the garment bag and take a peek at the gown.

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