Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Julius Ceasar: "Veni, Vidi, Vici!"




Veni, Vidi, Vici

Jack Aidan: I Came, I Saw, I Conquered
(Grandma's Neat and Clean House)

Jack Aidan and his Mommy and Daddy have just returned from a two week vacation to Boston, Massachusetts and old Cape Cod for both business and pleasure. Jack Aidan got to bond with first cousins, Country Jack and Mia and Jack also got lots of loving from his paternal grandparents who don't get to see him as often as Jack and I do.

We are so lucky that he lives near us. I surely was suffering from Jack Aidan withdrawal syndrome so it was wonderful that he showed up on our doorstep this morning. So in came our little man who promptly remembered that this Grandma stores the toys in the office on the bottom shelf of the changing table. He walked into the office, found the toys and proceeded to make electronic music. Thus the Latin phrase: Veni. Vidi, Vici or the English translation: I came, I saw, I conquered! Yes, he conquered Grandma who didn't mind the little mess he left on the carpet.


Dragons52 said...

I love the shot where he's facing the dragon in the box...or what ever it is. I assume Jack won over him!!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Joann: I would have to say that is a mess you actually loved.