Monday, September 29, 2008

Dragon Quilt For The World's Best Baby

Now I have something very important to announce. There has been a birth in the blog world. A new little blog has appeared that all of you will want to keep your eyes on because it is growing fast and getting really cute. No, it is not that baby in the photo. That was my grandson Jack last year. But yes, it has to deal with that photo. Look again only this time look at the baby quilt that is under my little sweet pea. That quilt was made by my great friend and neighbor, Dickie. I have written about her many times on my blog because she is the neighbor everyone dreams about having for a neighbor, especially when falling off a ladder. More about that at a later date. But right now, big drum roll please! ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज्ज
(Those were Hindu drums, by the way.)
Dickie now has her own blog. She calls it Dragon-quilter. You will want to check it out and see some of her homemade quilts that are going on a trip soon. I just dearly love her French impressionistic landscape quilts. Monet, eat your heart out! Today's Dragon-quilter blog post is a collection of photos of animals that Dickie has come across on her world travels. (Former navy brats do tend to keep traveling thru life.) Anyway here's a link to my good buddy's blog: And as for that heading World's Best Baby---well, all grandmas can make that kind of boast.


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Joann: Aw shucks, Baby Jack was so cute, I thought he had a brother.

Dragons52 said...

Thanks Jack and Joann but you can take some credit for spurring me on!! It's been fun to watch your site and think that I could even attain that level!!