Monday, March 15, 2010

I Love The Month of March!

I Love The Month of March!
March ushers in the spring season after cruel, cruel winter.
March means that my baby girl, Jeanine, gets to celebrate her birthday on March 4'th.
March days are usually warmer.
March days are longer, especially after we "spring forward" at the beginning of the month.
March means spring vacations for study weary college students and seniors who head to
Florida when they are almost guaranteed nice weather south of Tallahassee.
March means get out in the yard on the warm days and clean out the flower beds of dirt, leaves,
and dead perennial "tops". (Jack and I did this for for four days last week. Mon.-Thurs.)
March means stay inside on the rainy days that will green the lawn and plan your flowerbeds
for this year. (I'm so anxious to make some needed changes to the flowerbeds. I love spring!)
March means that all the birds are back and going nuts singing songs to attract mates and
build nests. It sure is fun to watch these lusty fellows. Better than watching teens preparing
for the spring prom!
March has St. Patrick's Day when we can drink green beer and pretend we are Irish even if
we are not Irish.
March means the first flowers will bloom. (I have crocus in bloom now and my daffodils are
getting ready to bloom before the end of the month.)
March means the first flowering trees will bloom. (Our pear trees have buds that are getting
big and fuzzy. Same with the saucer magnolia trees by our swing.)
March means the roses are showing signs of life and need to be pruned pronto.
March means April is just around the corner and April is one of the most lovely months of
the year with the azaleas and rhododendrons in bloom.
March is the best month to adopt a puppy says The Washington Post. Our Jeanine
just did this this past Saturday.
Welcome to the family, Barney!
March is the time to plan all those roadtrips you want to take this spring, summer
and fall.
March is the time to think about who is going to the prom, who is graduating and who
is getting married this year.
March means Jack and I need to prepare for Jeanine's wedding this fall. Yipee!
March means March Madness in college basketball from the field of 64 to the sweet sixteen
to the final four!

1 comment:

jeanine said...

I love you mommy. Reading this post makes me miss you and you're garden.