Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Newly Minted Doctor of Psychology

Earlier today I had you guess who the new Doctor of Psychology is of the four little girls in the picture posted yesterday. Well, before I give you the correct answer let me tell you the story. Jack's half sister, Marilyn, and her husband Lewis Schultz lived in Jefferson City, MO which is the capital city of MO. Marilyn who majored in English in college and taught high school English for awhile became a part time professor at Lincoln University in Jeff City. Lewis Schultz, Marilyn's husband, was a district claims manager for American Family Insurance. Life was good. Then the year after the two girls flew to see us Marilyn was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease which has plagued her ever since. But Marilyn was a survivor and she kept working at Lincoln University and raising her two girls. Then just a couple of years later Marilyn's husband Lewis died unexpectedly of a massive heart attack on a cold winter day in January and Marilyn was left to raise these two preteen girls. Marilyn did a fantastic job raising the girls all by herself. Monica and Rusty were both honor roll students in junior high and high school and went off to college where they continued to excel. Meanwhile Marilyn went back to school and earned her Doctorate in English from the University of Missouri in Columbia. Monica graduated from college and went straight to Kansas State to major in organizational psychology for her Masters. Meanwhile Rusty who had a double major in math and economics graduated from college and did Teach for America for two years in the inner city of Houston, TX. After that Rusty went to Boston College and got a Masters in math. Rusty in time returned to Houston where she now has a very fine business job using her math and economics skills and is about to purchase by herself a $350,000 townhouse in downtown Houston. I can't explain what Rusty does because it is way beyond my mathematical brain skills. However, I can now announce that the little girl in the previous blog post that got her Doctors is Monica! And guess what? Monica's mom, Marilyn, was invited to be the person to present Monica with her Doctor's hood. Tomorrow for my story's epilogue I will share photos of Monica getting her Doctors' hood from her mother, Dr. Marilyn Schultz. Left to right in top photo: Jennifer, Rusty, Jeanine, Me and Monica. Left to right in second photo: Jennifer, Rusty, Monica and Jeanine.

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