Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Rolling Thunder Riders Are Here

Jack and I were on interstate #66 and local roads #29, #50, etc yesterday going from and to Haymarket and we must have seen over 200 motorcycles that you could tell were apart of the 2008 Ride to the Wall for all American Veterans. Most motorcycles had two riders and some were pulling behind them motorcycle carriers with their belongings. And almost all had American flags attached to their motorcycles. Many of the men and women were wearing Rolling Thunder jackets and hats or else stars and stripes bandannas. Some of these folks have been on the road since May 14 since they are coming all the way from points in the far west like California, New Mexico, Colorado. I guess those that travel far meet up each night in a planned rest stop city. I imagine the double riders allow for the drivers to take breaks. This year around half a million people are expected for this four day event. Last night they apparently had a candlelight ride to the wall. Sunday will be the big day when all the Rolling Thunder riders will gather in the Pentagon parking lot in Arlington and ride together to The Wall. If you are like me and you would like to learn more about Rolling Thunder, click on these websites below.

The is the site of the Fairfax Chapter of Rolling Thunder. It has a long but very good video of the Rolling Thunder 2005 Ride to The Wall.

video on the left side of the page that you can watch under History.

The is the site of the National Rolling Thunder Organization. And it also
has a video that you can watch. Video not as long. Good shots of D.C. and the riders going across the bridges with capitol in background.

Remember our veterans both alive and dead this Memorial (Decoration)
Day. And our deceased family members and friends.


Patty said...

A group came through Brookville Wed., stopped off at AmVets and I believe stayed the night and left Thursday morning. Not sure how many came through. Happy week-end.

KB said...

When we lived in the Alexandria near the border of Arlington, we could hear the motorcycles all weekend as came together at the Pentagon to ride into the city. It was always pretty amazing.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

J&J: What a wondeful post for the upcoming holiday.