Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rosa Rugosas Now In Bloom

Rosa Rugosas Now In Bloom
June 17, 2007
Double Click On A Photo To See Blossoms Up Close
These roses are commonly found near east coast beaches. They are very hardy and do not have the black spot problems that hybrid tea roses have. Normally these roses grow close to the ground as low shrubs. I've learned to train them to grow on trellises. I also don't cut them back in the early spring so each year they get bigger and bigger. I love them because they send out blooms all summer long.
The one bad feature of these roses is that they are very very thorny. I usually wear gloves and a long shirt when tying up these babies. When I don't I have scratches on my arms. Jack, by the way, hates working with these roses because they are so very thorny. I guess I could say that they are a thorn in his side. LOL!


Dragons52 said...

Just another example of why I like living so close! Such beautiful flowers all the time!!

Linda Reeder said...

very beautiful, and rugosas are usually very fragrant too.