Monday, June 23, 2008

Asiatic Lilies

The yellow Asiatic lilies in bloom are at my daughter's home. In 2006 Jack and I did a "While You Were Out" front yard makeover while Jenn and Terry were at work. When they got home from work they had a new look to their landscape. I'm glad that these Asiatic lilies keep coming back each year bigger and better. This past Friday morning Jenn was giving Baby Jack a see and smell introduction to Asiatic lilies. Friday afternoon I had an appointment with an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor for my vertigo problem. I now have vertigo exercises to do. This may be a case where the cure is as scarry as the vertigo since the cure requires bringing on the vertigo to fight it. Anybody got any experiences with vertigo that you would like to share? Anyway this is my song for this week: There Is Nothing Like A Dame. A Dizzy Dame!


Wanda said...

Good morning ~~ Wanted to answer you question about my brown eyed grandchilren. Two of my daughters married Hespanic men ~~ Issac Daddy, my grandson is 1/2 mexican and his wife is also mexican, so he gets his beautiful skin and eyes from that side.

My son married a Russian/Irish girl, and those to grandsons have the big blue eyes, and one has red hair. You can see him in the background of one of the birthday pictures.

So we have blended skins in our family.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

J&J: What a great shot of the baby and the Lillies. I really liked the close-up.
Check out my fun post today.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your visit to my blog Brookville Daily Photo this morning. I hope you enjoyed my post today showing the honey bee and the hollyhock flower. I saw a special last night about the disappearance of honey bees and it is sad to think that most of the fruit, nuts and vegetables we eat would disappear with them. So governments are busy trying to find the culprit before it is too late and one huge problem is the use of insecticides. Anyway, I wanted you to know I was here to repay your visit and comment with one of my own. Kind of like "Kilroy" was here...remember those drawings everyone used to make?

I enjoyed reading your blog post for today and I thought the photography was good too. I have one lonesome lily like these in front and the more common, wild ones, in back.