Saturday, June 27, 2009

Why I Like American Wisteria

I like American Wisteria better than Chinese or Japanese because one, it is lot less invasive and two, look above, this is my second flush of purple blossoms. I also like the way the American Wisteria shades the arbor and swing so that you have lots of shade in July and August. We are due to get up in the '90s again today. Last night Jack heard that Orange County Virginia near Charlottesville got baseball size hail! Holy smokes!


Anonymous said...

I don't much like this heat this early in the year and with my breathing problems it is a nightmare. I like wisteria but never had it or grew it here. I seem to recall trying it out in the early days but it never did well. I like the way your vine is growing.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Joann: What a great flowering bush.

Eileen said...

Thank you for posting this... I didn't realize this was repeat-blooming! Did you cut it back after the first bloom?

I see I've underestimated our native wisteria. It doesn't have the fragrance, correct? But of course, it also doesn't have the invasiveness.