Saturday, July 25, 2009

Take A Look

Take a look at this trio of runners from left to right: D.J., Maura and Cindy. These three super moms and members of my local book club ran in a local 5 mile? race. Now that's the way to stay in shape. Awesome ladies. You rock!


DeniseinVA said...

Very nice photo of three smiling faces and always impresses me when people can run miles in a race. We found ourselves in DC today and Gregg wanted to go to the Natural History Museum. After seeing your wonderful photos from Thursday we went to the Castle also and walked through that lovely garden at the side of it. We spent a very pleasant time there so I want to thank you for yesterday's post.

Dragons52 said...

Way to go ladies!! Glad you did it! Me, I would have fallen over just after the start!


Look how red my face is. I was pretty close to falling over!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Joann: Why, good for them.