Friday, February 5, 2010

People Are Scared Silly

New Flash: It is snowing and the media folks in the greater D.C., Maryland and Virginia area have hyped this storm so much that people are scared silly. Jack has made many trips to the store to make sure the car has a full tank of gas, the snow blower has gas, the fridge is stocked for a dozen unexpected guests, we have three transistor radios if the power goes out, we have tons of batteries if the power goes out and we have portable lights as well as candles on hand. Where's Jack now? He's back out to get more batteries. If we get in trouble and the power goes out, we will have enought battery powered lights to light up our backyard all the way to Russia, Ohio! LOL! I know we are forgetting something important but I don't know what it is.

Meanwhile the birds are eating birdseed like there is no tomorrow. And you won't believe what I saw right by my breakfast room window this morning. A robin. I almost ran outside and said turn around you crazy fool. You came back from somewhere way too soon. We are expecting a blizzard! The other birds looked startled too---like what is he doing here? It isn't spring yet.


DeniseinVA said...

Oh Joann you made me laugh with this post. Well, I'm tucked up in a throw rug with a cup of hot chocolate in my hands. That's my cure for this winter storm. Not as prepared as you with all those batteries though ;) but we have candles just in case. You and Jack stay warm! Denise x

ChrisJ said...

Oh the ills today's news media have to be accountable for!!