Tuesday, May 8, 2007

May 7 -- Seattle to Olympic National Forest

Today day we drove from Seattle to the Olympic National Forest. We past a beautiful mountain lake with deep turquoise blue water. The books say it was created by a glacier, but you couldn't prove it by us. Since the skies were clear with hardly a cloud, we headed for the rain forest. We saw huge, tall trees (up to 270 ft.), lots of moss and loads of fern, but no rain. Even the telephone booth was covered with moss. We took the 3/4 mile long "Hall of Moss" trail to get the full experience. It was so quiet and relaxing, it's hard to describe the experience. We then drove back to Port Angeles where we are spending the night. We met one of Joann's teacher friends, Pat Morgan. Pat and Joann taught together in Germany. We had dinner with Pat along with Pat's husband, Kenneth, and Kenneth's cousin, Linda, who was visiting from Colorado. There were lots of "Do you remember..." and frequent "No, I don't recall." But after having a couple of bottles of wine Kenneth had brought from his wine cellar, the fuzzy memories got clearer, and "a good time was had by all." It's an early night because we have to be in line for the ferry to Victoria, BC, by 7:00 am.


Jenn K said...

I love the picture of the phone booth with its moss hat.

jeanine said...

Okay so be honest- did mom take any of the moss and put in a plastic bag to take home? I remember when she did that with the Spanish moss in Georgia and then the car was full of spiders. Ahh, family vacations were so fun.

Jack and Joann said...

Jeanine, you are a riot! No, Mom did not steal any of the moss from the National Park. She normally obeys the rules. Thanks for your comments, guys. We love checking.

Marilyn said...

Oh, that area is so beautiful--and you will enjoy your ferry ride to BC. I took that ride several (many) years ago. I am glad to know that Joann obeys the laws. Jeanine had me worried for a moment.
Monica will fly to Seattle May 20 for an interview with Microsoft.