Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturday Golf Game

Golf Time
Today is Saturday and Jack Aidan's golf game has been canceled because of the pouring rain so he is practicing putting inside the house.
Good Putt! Let's practice a correct swing. Hold your hands like this. Keep your eye on the ball. Follow thru. You need to position your feet better if you ever expect to play with Daddy or Grandpa Karras. They won't give you any slack just because you're cute.
Go to this Yahoo site to discover what golf and the finanacial crisis have in common:;


Wanda said...

How nice to have your own personal instructor. Tiger Woods in the making.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Joann: How cool for little Jack, teach him young and he can use your golf community course as he gets older. You could drive the cart.