Thursday, October 30, 2008


Two A.M. On The Night (Day) Before
Joann: There it sits.
Blog Reader: What?
Joann: You know. What Jack said was down here.
Blog Reader: What?
Joann: The Watch-it-mit-call-it that comes with the you-know-what!!
Blog Reader: Oh, dear, you are making no sense at all plus you thru in mit
which is German for with.
Joann: I know. I'm sleepy and walking and talking in German.
Blog Reader: Can we go back to bed and do this blogging in the morning?
Joann: Great idea. And in the morning I'll take a photo of the Watch-it-
mit-call-it and post here.
Blog reader: I second that thought. Now let's hit the hay.


Anonymous said...

I did enjoy this post. And I also liked the one you did the other day. Nice.

I am doing something different on my Gordon, Ohio blog. I set out to photograph and describe every house in the village where I was born.

Gordon, Ohio

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Joann: You are so funny.